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PMFAI’s BUYER-SELLER MEET - September 2-3, 2024, New Delhi

Posted on: May 08, 2024 | Back | Print

The Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India (PMFAI) has announced its 21st Edition of Flagship event the International Crop Science Conference and Exhibition (ICSCE) Buyer-Seller Meet 2024 being organized during September 2-3, 2024 at New Delhi.

The event will have plenary sessions followed by Buyer-Seller Meet, to discuss business and procurement from India. The event provides good opportunity for the companies / association or Chamber  of Commerce & Industry to organize trade delegation of their members for this event in New Delhi to meet the agrochemical manufacturers for their businesses and partnership.

India is 4th largest global manufacturer of Agchem chemicals. Indian Agchem Export has grown at a CAGR of 6% from 2014-21 and will soon have 55% share in overall market share. Participating delegates can connect with national and international manufacturers, importers and distributors, R&D Experts, AI experts, Registration experts for B2B and gain knowledge from the plenary sessions. 

For further details, please see the flyer and also visit PMFAI website:  Pesticides Manufacturers Formulators Association of India (pmfaiicsce.org) .
